Read Shane’s Message
LGBT Pride Endued with LGBT Power
I so appreciate the heart of those on both sides of this debate. My hope is that readers will read the entire article before drawing conclusions. Those who strongly believe in the Bible and God's will regarding sexual behavior also strongly believe in unconditional...
The Peril of Megachurches—Political Correctness
By the title you might assume I’m against megachurches, I’m not. God often blesses a work, and a church grows, but there is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Some megachurches are doctrinally sound, filled with excitement and expectations, while others have a mere...
When Should We Answer Our Critics?
When I released this embedded op-ed and posted a picture with Francis Chan on my Facebook page, I was branded by some as heretical, ecumenical, and part of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), none of which are true. While I understand that preachers and pastors...
[FOX] Democrats look to remove ‘So Help Me God’ from American politics
In the House of Representatives, Democrats are looking to take out the requirement for witnesses to swear to tell the truth, 'So Help Me God,' a phrase that has been part of American politics since the late 1700s. Is this move more about politics or is there a real...
[FOX] Faith objections to the ‘Equality Act’: Is it the worst case scenario for religious freedom?
Religious leaders are worried about the Equality Act, which is expected to pass in the House, because it makes no provision for religious objections and some warn that it could outlaw standing up for traditional views on marriage. Could this violate the core principle...
Game of Thrones—what should a Christian’s stance be?
Amazingly, one youth leader said this years ago, “I don’t worry about what I watch or listen to as long as my heart is right. Plus, I need to watch what everyone else is watching so I can relate to them.” This is a very dangerous view. Most will admit, however, that...
Controversial: Sharing the Stage with Priests—Mike Bickle and Shane Idleman Weigh In
I thank God for the wonderful work that many ministries are doing to promote unity—I wish there were more, but is there a troubling trend in the evangelical church to united with Rome? We are encouraged to be at peace with all men, even with those who have different...
Priests on the Stage at Christian Events—Former Altar Boy Chimes In
I thank God for the wonderful work that many ministries are doing to promote revival from D.C. to Pasadena—I wish there were more, but there is also a very troubling trend in the evangelical church as a whole. My goal in releasing this is for charismatic leaders to...
The Silent Pulpit is Not God’s Pulpit—Young Leaders are the Key to 2020
As the result of massive ad campaigns on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and so on, we are witnessing a strong surge of young elected officials. Sadly, talking points and wrong information rather than character and truth is influencing the next generation. As I recently...
FOX NEWS: Are we a Christian Nation? Check it out “Controversial prayer in civil government”
In the Pennsylvania State House a newly elected Muslim lawmaker said she was offended by a Christian's references to Jesus in a recent invocation. Watch Pastor Shane Idleman and Christopher Hale on Fox discussing this issue.
Watch “The Spiritual Benefits of Fasting”
Is a Picture Worth a Thousand Words? A Lesson for Conservatives and Charismatics
I was recently asked for my take on the controversy surrounding Francis Chan speaking at what some call “questionable events.” I took time to pray while driving three hours to one of these events to meet Francis and hear him speak. When I posted the picture on my...
FOX NEWS: Hollywood and liberals fight against pro-life movement
Watch Pastor Shane Idleman and Christopher Hale discuss actress Alyssa Milano's Tweet expressing her love of God and hatred of Georgia's new bill outlawing abortion if a fetal heartbeat can be detected.
Awake Sleeping Church!
Watch Shane Idleman's sermon on Youtube below:
The Day I Told My Daughter about My Abortion Decision
I will never forget the look of disappointment and confusion that flashed across her face. It seemed to cry, “Wait! What did you say? Dad, are you kidding?” “She needs to hear it from you, not from someone else”—those words from my wife lingered all day. The movie...
FOX NEWS: Cynthia Nixon calls Mike Pence ‘insidious’
Listen to Pastor Shane on Fox debates Obama's former faith advisor, Christopher Hale. Watch the latest video at
Women Pastors…What Does the Bible Say?
Let me begin by saying that I know and appreciate many women who have been recognized as pastors. They are diligent, steadfast, and hard-working. Our country has done a great disservice to women over the years by not elevating and supporting women in roles of...
The Struggle Is Real—Passive and Pushy Pastors
The number of prominent pastors stepping down because they are very controlling and manipulating, and creating a culture of fear and intimidation, appears to have reached new heights these days. Although this type of behavior is unacceptable, I’m hoping to shed some...
[FOX NEWS] Is there an Anti-Christian Bias in Media?
Pastor Shane Idleman and Christopher Hale discuss a media bias against Christians, evidenced by coverage of the confrontation at the Lincoln Memorial between Covington Catholic High School students and a Native American man.
[FOX NEWS] Faith leaders outraged at New York legalizing abortion until birth
Watch Pastor Shane Idleman on Fox News about New York's 'Reproductive Health Act'.
Thunderous Applause—We Can Kill Our Children at 9 Months
The so-called Reproductive Health Act in New York passed with thunderous applause in the state Senate chamber. I could not believe what I was reading: People actually applauded the slaughtering of children. Was I having a dream . . . a nightmare? Was this real? “Why...
Hard-hitting: An Open Letter to the United States of America: Many of our leaders need to repent or resign
An Open Letter to the United States of America To our leaders: We Americans so appreciate your sacrifice, time, and commitment. I’m convinced that most of you are sincere and want what is best for all Americans. I am not writing this as a Democrat or a Republican but...
Naming Names—Should We Ever Confront Others Publicly?
Whether it’s regarding a worship leader wavering on biblical truth or a pastor speaking error from the pulpit, should others ever speak out? When a podcast addressing a recent concern was released, the amount of positive feedback was very encouraging. However, some...
7 Lessons from Samson—Surviving the Anointing
The word anointing has been used and abused by charlatans and schemers, but the word is thoroughly biblical. It’s when God fills a person with His Spirit for the purpose of using him or her in a mighty way. In the time of Samson, Israel was in bondage, and God...
Phil interviews me on Your QFM Radio about a core issue that must continually be addressed by the church.
Why Are Many Christians Avoiding Hard Topics—Lauren Daigle, for Example?
A recent firestorm began when Lauren Daigle made the following statement regarding if homosexuality is a sin: “I can't honestly answer on that,” Daigle responded. “In a sense, I have too many people that I love and they are homosexual. I don't know. I actually had a...
How Bad Do You Want Freedom From Sin?
I remember reading an article about a man who avoided the beach in the summer after admitting his addiction to pornography to his wife. He concluded that being around people who were barely covered often triggered his compulsion. Other cases involved a man who stopped...
The Peril and Power of Porn
My husband always had “dirty” magazines; he brought them home, he did not hide them. He ordered these magazines as well, and I knew he had videos of pornography that he had when we moved in together. He would watch the porn behind closed doors, but did not hide it. He...
A Biblical View on Borders, Socialism, and Healthcare
People are often left confused after elections: “How could they vote for so-and-so? I just don’t understand.” Many vote for candidates who don’t uphold a biblical worldview because they don’t know God themselves. They are choosing their own ways over God’s...
True Revival Has a Cost
Expose the Unfruitful Works of Darkness
“There is no nation on earth powerful enough to accomplish our overthrow. Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter. From the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence.” DANIEL...
Wake Up Christians – Silence Is Not An Option
“The men of Issachar had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do” (1 Chronicles 12:32) Excerpted from the book, One Nation “Above” God. Free download here. We don’t have to compromise our principles to be involved in politics—what good is salt left...
5 Things Pastors Need to Stop Doing Immediately
Pastors, we are not just cheerleaders, we are game changers. We are called to stir and to convict so that change takes place. Granted, there are many wonderful pastors and churches—I appreciate their ministry, but, as a whole, the church has drifted off course. They...
Keto Diet: 8 Things You Must Know “How I Lost 40 Pounds”
What diet works best? Listen as Pastor Shane explains how the body really works.
God Can Use You – Bakersfield, CA
Pastor Shane Idleman speaking at a conference in Bakersfield. Audio:
An Open Letter to Pastors and Christians – Stand or Fall
A paraphrase that is often attributed to Alexis De Tocqueville—a Frenchman who authored Democracy in America in the early 1800s, helps to open this letter: “I looked throughout America to find where her greatness originated. I looked for it in her harbors and on her...
The Pantry Pastor: Healthy Eating in Under 8 Minutes
The Pantry Pastor Strikes Again - Video #3. Watch #1 where pastor Shane cleaned out a pantry, and #2 where he cleans out the refrigerator.
Is Irresistible Grace Resistible?
Although salvation is a supernatural act of God that cannot be fully comprehended, the Scriptures offer many insights. Jesus said, “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him” (John 6:44), but He also encouraged people to turn from sin and turn...
Prone to Wander – Lord I Feel it
“Like a bird that wanders from the nest, so is a man who wanders from his place” (Proverbs 27:8). Written in 1757, the following lyrics echo with great clarity to a generation that has wandered so far off that we can barely hear God’s call to return to Him: “Prone to...
If you want to stay up on the latest audio messages from Westside Christian Fellowship, don't forget to subscribe to this podcast on iTunes. Tweet
A Shocking Truth About School Violence
Like many, I am deeply concerned about school violence. A massive shift has occurred. Talking, chewing gum and making noise were the top three public school problems in the early 1960s. Currently, rape, robbery and assault could lead the list. Education expert William...
The America You Never Knew
The America You Never Knew [Part 1: Excerpted from this sermon:] Recently, I was interviewed by Fox News on whether Christian pastors should speak out about politics from their pulpits. (More at The...
Fasting–The Secret to Spiritual Power
Have we forgotten the hidden secret of fasting? I believe that we have. Here is part four in a series. Watch the Fasting Forum here: Matthew 26:41 reminds us to watch and pray so that we will not fall into...
Fasting Applies Extra Pressure to the Spiritual Realm
Part Three on Fasting Have we forgotten the hidden secret of fasting? I believe that we have. Here is part three in a series. Watch the Fasting Forum here: In Matthew 17:21, Jesus said that a certain evil spirit...
Fasting—The Physical Affects The Spiritual
Part Two on Fasting Through fasting, the body becomes a servant instead of a master. When Jesus directs us to do something, the outcome is always beneficial, both spiritually and physically. He said, “when you fast” (Matthew 6:16). Scripture doesn’t say, “When you sin...
The Pain of Discipline Over Pain of Regret
Part One on Fasting Have we forgotten the hidden secret of fasting? I believe that we have. Here is part one in a series. On March 14th, 2018 join us at 6 p.m. for a Fasting Forum live feed at If you’re reading this after the 14th, the video is available on...
The Pain of Discipline Over Pain of Regret
You choose - will it be the pain of discipline, or the pain of regret? One yields a sense of extreme fulfillment, the other, a lingering sense of defeat. We pray for God to heal rather than for help with self discipline to change harmful habits. If you struggle in...
Is Pride Preventing A Downpour Of God’s Spirit In Your Life?
Isaiah 64:1 (NKJV) “Oh, that You would rend the heavens! That You would come down! That the mountains might shake at Your presence.” How can you carry this burden in the spirit of Isaiah's passion? Ask God to rent the heavens in your life. God does the opening - you...
The Holy Spirit And Emotions – What You Need To Know
"The true saints of God, who have clear heads, and pure, warm hearts, have in all generations had to walk between the two extremes of cold formality on the one side, and wild, ranting fanaticism on the other. Dead formality and the false fire of fanaticism are both...
Overcome The Darkness By Turning On The Light
The word pivotal is often used to describe an important event that led to a monumental turn of events. For example, on D-Day the Allies landed around 156,000 troops in Normandy. That pivotal moment turned the tides of history. In 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95...