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Handcuffed Emotions—Straight as a Gun Barrel but Just as Empty

Handcuffed Emotions—Straight as a Gun Barrel but Just as Empty

*Excerpted from my series on revival and my new book, “Oh God, Would You Rend the Heavens? Understanding and Contending for a Genuine Spiritual Awakening.” More here.  In my last article, I asked: Are you alive spiritually? Are you hungry for more of God’s...

If we Prepare the Sacrifice, God will Bring the Fire

If we Prepare the Sacrifice, God will Bring the Fire

“For thus says the High and Lofty One Who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: 'I dwell in the high and holy place, with him who has a contrite and humble spirit…” (Isaiah 57:15-16 NKJV). In this amazing passage, it’s clear that if we prepare the sacrifice of a...

Oh God, Would You Please Rip Open the Heavens!

Oh God, Would You Please Rip Open the Heavens!

“Oh, that You would rend the heavens! That You would come down!” — Isaiah 64:1–2 On April 24th, 2021, an Indonesian submarine sank in the southern Pacific Ocean. The news reported that the crew may have run out of oxygen and quickly sank below the crush depth—the...

Still Silent Shepherds—An Open Letter To Post-Pandemic Pastors

Still Silent Shepherds—An Open Letter To Post-Pandemic Pastors

“What’s going on in California?” is a question that I’ve been asked a lot lately. This time last year, we launched what became known as #TheStadiumRevival. People came from all over Southern California to experience God in profound and powerful ways and we are doing...

The Cry of the Prophets—A Call to Anguish

The Cry of the Prophets—A Call to Anguish

“When God determined to recover a ruined situation, he would find a man and baptize him in anguish” (David Wilkerson). And this is exactly what we need today! Anguish is defined as severe physical or emotional pain or distress. Spiritual anguish is when we feel deeply...

Can a Church Use Music from Controversial Churches?

Can a Church Use Music from Controversial Churches?

I appreciate boldness to stand against wishy-washy churches. But I also think it’s important to ask some additional questions. For example, "Is it possible to not endorse or agree with (such-and-such church) but still listen to their worship in a corporate...

Bored with God—Complacency in the Midst of Chaos

Bored with God—Complacency in the Midst of Chaos

To listen to the audio version of this article, click here A friend recently remarked, “Why are prayer meetings dwindling?” Granted, remnant groups are still pursuing God, but overall, our spiritual decline amid today’s turmoil is disheartening. Sadly, very few...

Is The Future of America Worth Fighting For?

Is The Future of America Worth Fighting For?

It’s been said that we live in the greatest country in the world, but the success we cherish is not the result of chance. Many early Americans understood that in order for a nation to thrive and prosper, God’s Word must provide the basis for the government and the...

Will You Pay the Price for a National Awakening?

Will You Pay the Price for a National Awakening?

Note: If you’d prefer to listen to the audio version, click here:  I recently had the privilege of speaking on the theme of Paying the Price at Godspeak Calvary Chapel in California, pastored by Rob McCoy (a short clip is here.) My brief...

Why I Said Trump Could Lose—And Why I Believe It Happened

Why I Said Trump Could Lose—And Why I Believe It Happened

If you’d prefer to listen to the audio version on YouTube, click here While many sincere believers were confident that Trump would be inaugurated, others were prophetically sounding the alarm. As I said in my article, Donald Trump Could Lose in 2020, “Our gun safes...

A Battle Cry for a Dead Church

A Battle Cry for a Dead Church

Note: Although this article is mainly directed toward leaders, we all need to hear what is being said. My hope is that you would share this with Christian leaders in your sphere of influence. If you'd prefer to listen to the audio version, click here:...

Why Revival is America’s Only Hope!

Why Revival is America’s Only Hope!

If you'd prefer to listen to the audio version, click here:  …and watch the powerful sermon clip here (and make sure to subscribe to hear more) The results are in: America’s stage four cancer has metastasized to the family and the church...

Cancel Culture: The Most Dangerous Virus Infecting the Church Today

Cancel Culture: The Most Dangerous Virus Infecting the Church Today

By now, most know what the cancel culture is: something you did in your past will be used to silence, stop, and “cancel” you. Whether it’s Mike Lindell, whose pillow company lost many retailers after he publicly questioned the election, or Goya Foods, who upset people...

Why I Disagree with Andy Stanley: Churches Should Open

Why I Disagree with Andy Stanley: Churches Should Open

All pastors relate to COVID differently depending on their perspective and circumstances. They are under tremendous pressure and need more grace. I’m sure that Andy has done much good in his community, and for that, I applaud him. However, I don’t think that his...

Are You On The Verge Of Wrecking Your Life?

Are You On The Verge Of Wrecking Your Life?

In Russell Moore’s compelling book, Tempted & Tried, a chapter entitled, Why You’re on the Verge of Wrecking Your Life (Especially If You Don’t Know It), caught my attention. Moore writes quoting a scientist who studied cattle behavior, “A slaughterhouse, in order...

Why Doesn’t Success Satisfy the Soul?

Why Doesn’t Success Satisfy the Soul?

In celebration of Michael Jordan’s 50th birthday some years back, ESPN senior writer Wright Thompson spent some time with the basketball legend. Thompson gives the sense that Jordan isn’t happy. “I would give up everything now to go back and play the game of...

7 Reasons Why Christian Leaders Fall

7 Reasons Why Christian Leaders Fall

In light of many prominent pastors and Christian leaders stepping down, I decided to re-release this article. Why do they fall? They fall for the same reason that all Christians fall. Each of us are drawn away by our own evil desires and enticed. When these desires...

How to Rest in Turbulent Times

How to Rest in Turbulent Times

From the COVID crisis to financial burdens, and from fear and isolation to a divided nation, millions are lacking peace and rest. But I believe we can find rest if we look to the right source. As one theologian said, “Rest is desisting from exertion.” Expending energy...

America—What Happened? From Failed Prophecies to Collapse

America—What Happened? From Failed Prophecies to Collapse

Turmoil, chaos, and confusion are running rampant, and that’s an understatement. Those in the charismatic community are wondering how the “prophets” missed it, and conservative Christians are asking, “Why did God allow this election to end like this?” First, we must...

Thunderous Applause—We Can Kill Our Children And Change Our Sex

Thunderous Applause—We Can Kill Our Children And Change Our Sex

“The wicked freely parade and prance about while evil is praised throughout the land” (Psalm 12:8). Almost a year ago, I wrote an article with a similar title when the so-called Reproductive Health Act passed in New York with thunderous applause in the state Senate...

Fasting For Spiritual Breakthrough in 2021

Fasting For Spiritual Breakthrough in 2021

You choose: Will it be the pain of discipline or the pain of regret? One yields a sense of extreme fulfillment; the other, a lingering sense of defeat. Ironically, we pray for God to heal when we should also pray for the self-discipline to change harmful habits....

A Solution for COVID Fear and Overcrowded Hospitals

A Solution for COVID Fear and Overcrowded Hospitals

No matter what your view of COVID is, we can all agree that it is impacting all our lives. Since June I’ve been saying that when the cold, flu, and pneumonia season gets here, it’s going to get worse, but I also have a solution. I recently talked to nurses at each...

An Open Letter to Silent Pastors – Fight or Fade Away

An Open Letter to Silent Pastors – Fight or Fade Away

This article is being republished under a different title and is spring boarding off of a short video I recently recorded; watch it  here before reading any further.  A paraphrase that is often attributed to Alexis De Tocqueville—a Frenchman who authored Democracy in...

Why Do Many People Despise Preachers In America Today?

Why Do Many People Despise Preachers In America Today?

Those who have been called to preach, much like the prophets in the Old Testament, will confront compromise, condemn moral digression, and powerfully denounce sin in the hope of reconciling man to God—they speak the truth in love. The world, and carnal Christians,...

A Tribute to Diane Idleman

A Tribute to Diane Idleman

What do you say about someone who invested more into your life than anyone else? My mother, Diane Idleman, passed away on September 22, 2020. We were texting back and forth that morning when she said that she wasn’t feeling well. Her next text read, “I think I need to...

5 Reasons Why Christians Will Avoid Politics This November

5 Reasons Why Christians Will Avoid Politics This November

I wrote this article a few years ago but it's never been more relevant. In my opinion, failure to recognize diverse gifts may explain why many people are divided on the issue of religion and politics. For instance, John MacArthur, James Dobson, Franklin Graham, ​Tony...

There Is Another in the Fire with You

There Is Another in the Fire with You

In a recent sermon I said that there is no hindrance too great, no battle too hard, and no power too strong to overpower God. Nothing can thwart His plans. We can take great comfort in that, but what do you do when you’re going through the fire—through the trial? Hear...

In Chaotic Times, Is Self Defense Biblical?

In Chaotic Times, Is Self Defense Biblical?

Civil unrest is everywhere and lawmakers are being pressured to restrict guns. But what we are seeing today is not a gun problem; it’s a moral problem called sin. We are witnessing the rapid deterioration of a nation. We have lost our moral compass…we have lost the...

Stadium Revival Draws over a 1,000 Worshipers in California

Stadium Revival Draws over a 1,000 Worshipers in California

“What’s going on in California?” is the question that has been asked of me a lot this month. With the beach gatherings in Huntington Beach, along with Pastor Jack Hibbs’ and John MacArthur’s bold stances (thank you, both), we decided to launch a Saturday night service...

The Battle for Truth — 7 Unmistakable Traits of False Prophets

The Battle for Truth — 7 Unmistakable Traits of False Prophets

“Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold” (Matthew 24:11-12).  Theologians debate the historical context of this verse, but one thing we do know is that it definitely applies today....

Post-Pandemic Pastors and the Sin of Silence

Post-Pandemic Pastors and the Sin of Silence

Make sure to also watch the video, Shocking Insight: Post-Pandemic Pastors and the Sin of Silence, here. And, make sure to hear pastor Shane's newest message, Taking Back Our Nation, here. Let me state up front that countless pastors and Christian leaders are...

Finding Unity In The Midst Of Uncertainty

Finding Unity In The Midst Of Uncertainty

Free speech is being severely compromised. This new FREE SPEECH platform is amazing - many solid voices are moving over. You can follow Pastor Shane here on Parler As of now, we're still on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,...

An Urgent Memorial Day Wake-up Call

An Urgent Memorial Day Wake-up Call

“We have forgotten God, and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own” (Abraham Lincoln). One Nation Above God Over the last few decades, Americans have seen the...

Shane Idleman

Shane Idleman is the founder and lead pastor of Westside Christian Fellowship in Leona Valley, Ca. His sermons, books, articles, and radio program have sparked change in the lives of many.

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