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Only the Pulpits Have the Power to Change America

Only the Pulpits Have the Power to Change America

Listen to the audio version here. One thing is crystal clear in America: If we truly want change, we must re-spark biblical boldness and flame the fires of biblical action. If we won’t fight, then spiritually speaking, we will fade away.  I recently attended a large...

The Battle Cry of America — Awake and Arise!

The Battle Cry of America — Awake and Arise!

A battle cry is used to summon armies to war. A loud, unified shout could intimidate the strongest of enemies. Confidence in battle often tilts the scale toward victory, whereas timidity, fear, and cowardliness will surely lead to defeat. In these dreadful times,...

Excerpt from my sermon, You Hurt Me! Now What? Of all the tricks of the enemy, of all the things that knock us off course, of all the things that cause division among Christians, being hurt by others is at the top of the list. It’s also the primary reason behind most...

Encountering Storms Even in the Center of God’s Will

Encountering Storms Even in the Center of God’s Will

When I came back to the Lord in my late twenties, one of the biggest surprises I encountered was that following God is not easy. We get sick and even go through financial, relational, emotional, and mental challenges. My life actually became more difficult, but a...

Spiritual Explosion — “My Eyes Have Seen the King”

Spiritual Explosion — “My Eyes Have Seen the King”

The greatest hindrance to a spiritual awakening is our satisfaction without it A desire to truly experience God runs deep within our veins. However, for most Christians, experiencing God is either elusive and frightening or impossible and improbable. But to the...

After Roe v. Wade: Pastors and Leaders – Your Silence Speaks Volumes

After Roe v. Wade: Pastors and Leaders – Your Silence Speaks Volumes

I don’t know what’s more disheartening–the anger of many because Roe v. Wade was overturned or the silent pastors and worship leaders who say nothing? (For more on “naming names,” click here.) To tackle this topic, I’m revisiting points from past articles that I’ve...

How Does God Lead Us?

How Does God Lead Us?

Whether it is the Spirit leading or forbidding in the book of Acts, or the Spirit leading throughout Christian history, it’s clear that the leading of the Spirit is important.  In the Old Testament, it appears that the Spirit of God could be withdrawn completely from...

4 Biblical Ways to Handle the Insanity in our Country

4 Biblical Ways to Handle the Insanity in our Country

Editorial note: None of these points are new. You can read more about each one in past articles at my website. With severe governmental restraints, “woke” corporations influencing children, prices skyrocketing, and leaders who can't define the word “woman,” we can...

Can I Ask God for Confirmation?

Can I Ask God for Confirmation?

Special Note: To watch the sermon, Can I Ask God for Confirmation, subscribe here. The sermon will be dated 6/26/22. There are many incidents of God giving people a sign throughout the Bible. Although I believe God still does this, I also believe that we must be...

Shootings, Sin, Suffering: What Can Turn America Around?

Shootings, Sin, Suffering: What Can Turn America Around?

When I write about turning America back to God, I’m not under the delusion that we can create heaven on earth—evil will always fight against good. I’m talking about the desperate need for God’s people to seek Him: “The Lord is with you when you are with Him. If you...

America—Weak and Woke—We Need More Prophets, Not Puppets

America—Weak and Woke—We Need More Prophets, Not Puppets

In a recent documentary, I discussed the rapid decline of America and the desperate need for serious prayer and fasting. To say that we are at a crossroads is an understatement—we are in the crosshairs.  This is an urgent call to the pulpits of America. America’s...

The Futility of One Nation “Above” God

The Futility of One Nation “Above” God

“We have forgotten God, and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own” (Abraham Lincoln). Over the last few decades, Americans have seen the destruction of the...

Could This Be The Primary Cause Behind Mass Shootings?

Could This Be The Primary Cause Behind Mass Shootings?

As our prayers go out to the families of the recent mass shooting, I recently read an article where the FBI reported that there were 61 active shooter incidents reported in 2021, which is a 52% jump from 2020. If we compare this to Columbine, the trend is alarming....

The Great Cost of Preaching Without Prayer—Theology Without Fire

The Great Cost of Preaching Without Prayer—Theology Without Fire

Throughout church history—from the reformation to revival—pivotal shifts have taken place to get us back on track. These critical moments are often centered around sound doctrine, but the catalyst is always prayer, brokenness, and humility. Today we find ourselves in...

Woe to Those Who Call Evil Good

Woe to Those Who Call Evil Good

The title for this article comes from the oft-quoted Isaiah 5:20, “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil…” Isaiah’s “woe” was designed to awaken and convict the nation to turn back to God before the hammer dropped. Sadly, that didn’t happen. A lack of fear,...

Thunderous Applause Over Murdering Children—Will it Happen Again?

Thunderous Applause Over Murdering Children—Will it Happen Again?

A few years ago, I wrote an article with a similar title when the so-called Reproductive Health Act passed with thunderous applause in the New York State Senate chamber. I could not believe what I was reading: people actually applauded the slaughtering of children!...

The War on Lukewarm Christianity has Begun: Will You Fight?

The War on Lukewarm Christianity has Begun: Will You Fight?

*A must-read all the way to the end. Nearly all Christians understand that evil is prevailing at an alarming rate and that we may be on the verge of a massive recession and unparalleled civil unrest. But we aren’t called to run, but to rescue—we must lead in the...

Five Sure Signs of a Dying Church

Five Sure Signs of a Dying Church

Due to the state of many churches today, I'm re-publishing this article from 2015. It's more significant now than ever before. Church is boring for most because the power of God has vanished from many congregations...there is a lack of desire to pursue Him in the...

“Business as Usual” Isn’t Going to Cut it Anymore!

“Business as Usual” Isn’t Going to Cut it Anymore!

A friend of mine recently attended a large gathering of Christian leaders. When I mentioned how powerful it would be if they added times of prayer, fasting, and worship to the schedule, he responded, “That would be a game-changer. But many still have the...

Is This Our Last Stand—Our Last Chance?

Is This Our Last Stand—Our Last Chance?

Nearly all Christians understand something is off—way off—and that we can no longer confuse God’s patience with His approval.  America thinks that she is following God, but she is not. We are drowning in a cesspool of moral filth: “The wicked freely parade and prance...

How to Hear God’s Voice to Know His Will

How to Hear God’s Voice to Know His Will

Let me begin by applauding your desire to know God’s will; this is often a sign of spiritual health. God guides those who are willing to follow. That’s the first key—are you truly willing to obey even if it’s not what you want to hear? Some Things Are Crystal Clear...

Are You Truly Desperate for God’s Presence?

Are You Truly Desperate for God’s Presence?

I recently spoke in El Paso, Texas, at a large Hispanic church called Vino Nuevo. You can watch the message here with translation. I appreciated the heart of the pastors I had the privilege of meeting. Their eagerness and desire for revival reminded me of the church...

When the Fire Fades—Reigniting Passion for God

When the Fire Fades—Reigniting Passion for God

Throughout the Bible, we see that there is only one remedy—one solution, one cure—to rekindle a dead spiritual life: revival. Revival is when we till the soil of our heart through brokenness, humility, and surrender via fasting, prayer, and obedience. God responds by...

The Blessing of Brokenness—Broken yet Unbreakable

The Blessing of Brokenness—Broken yet Unbreakable

A.W. Tozer was famous for saying, “It is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until He has hurt him deeply.” Brokenness is painful, but it develops humility and dependence on God that very few experience. In the same way that olives are crushed for their...

The Cure for Spiritual Cancer—Simple but Not Easy

The Cure for Spiritual Cancer—Simple but Not Easy

I recently read an intriguing excerpt from a book—paraphrasing, it says: A very prosperous and divided nation is about to implode. Many hold to a form of godliness but deny the true God. As drunkenness and addiction spiral out of control, sexual sin and perversion...

When Ministry Becomes Idolatry by Shane Idleman

When Ministry Becomes Idolatry by Shane Idleman

I tried numerous times to soften the tone and re-work the language of this article, but God made it clear not to diminish a word. First Corinthians 11:31 says that if we discern wrong thoughts, actions, and attitudes, and repent of them, that we would not come under...



It's clear that many churches have closed or have considerably shrunk in size since COVID-19. Reasons range from “church-goers are still scared to return,” to “they prefer watching live feeds.” But why have bold churches experienced tremendous growth? This issue is...

A Measure of Revival in Our Bondage

A Measure of Revival in Our Bondage

On October 25, 2021, we began having church every night at 6 pm for two straight weeks. At times, the atmosphere was overwhelming–a full altar, dozens of baptisms, and countless lives changed, both in person and through livestream. As the old-timers used to say, “God...

Anger: One Letter Short of Danger

Anger: One Letter Short of Danger

Of all the struggles facing Christians, anger is at the top of the list. It destroys families, tarnishes character, and leads to destructive behavior. Just as threads of redemption run throughout the Bible, so do tears of anger. We need look no further than the...

What Extinguishes the Presence of the Lord?

What Extinguishes the Presence of the Lord?

Hear the life-changing sermon by the same title here.  Many wrongly assume that God’s presence has to do with judgment rather than blessing. Is God’s presence good or bad? Both … It's frightening in regard to judgment, “The idols of Egypt will totter at His presence”...

Should We Celebrate Halloween—Can We Redeem the Theme?

Should We Celebrate Halloween—Can We Redeem the Theme?

I’m re-releasing this from 2012, with a few changes and additions. There is always an attempt to de-emphasize the true, spiritual significance of some holidays and place emphasis on the secular aspects, such as Santa, toys, bunnies, baskets, and candy. That is a...

The Battle for Courage—A Hill to Die On

The Battle for Courage—A Hill to Die On

Watch the sermon, The Battle for Courage—A Hill to Die On, (Click The Title) It may be a war of words rather than weapons, but America is as divided as it's been since the Civil War. The situation in 2 Chronicles 15:5-7 seems eerily similar to our situation today: “In...

American Christianity Needs a Reality Check and a Backbone

American Christianity Needs a Reality Check and a Backbone

America is clearly in a Civil War—but it’s a battle of words, not weapons. We are divided, tired, frustrated, and fearful. Second Chronicles 15:5-7 seems eerily similar to our situation: “And in those times there was no peace … but great turmoil was on all the...

What’s It Going to Take to Break Us?

What’s It Going to Take to Break Us?

“Where are the packed churches whose altars are crowded with repentant and praying Christians?” is the question I’ve been asking a lot lately. From the hope of Trump being reinstated to the audits in Arizona, and from the failed California recall to the upcoming...

My Response to “No Credible Biblical Argument Against the Jab”

My Response to “No Credible Biblical Argument Against the Jab”

In response to Pastor Robert Jeffress saying that we have no biblical grounds to reject the new mRNA experimental drug, I put together a very brief video that was removed from YouTube within an hour. You can view it here.  Although I appreciate Pastor Jeffress...

Is the Biggest Problem in the American Church Love of Country?

Is the Biggest Problem in the American Church Love of Country?

A post on social media read: “The largest problem with the American church is that it is American before it is the church.”  I don’t want to read too much into this post, but with the complete failure in Afghanistan, the rise of CRT, and the increasing disdain...

Do You Really Want God to Rend the Heavens?

Do You Really Want God to Rend the Heavens?

Oh, that You would rend the heavens! That You would come down! — Isaiah 64:1 Decades ago, Gordon Cove challenged readers when he wrote, “You have not sought the Lord with ‘your whole heart’ until you have tried a protracted season of prayer and fasting.” Could a lack...

Being Controversial Isn’t Necessarily Wrong

Being Controversial Isn’t Necessarily Wrong

If God decides to usher in another spiritual awakening where the church comes alive and sinful man repents on a large scale, it will not be nice and tidy. All great moves of God have been controversial. As a student of revivals, I understand that being “controversial”...

Would You Have Been Embarrassed in the Upper Room?

Would You Have Been Embarrassed in the Upper Room?

*Excerpted from my series on revival and my new book, “Oh God, Would You Rend the Heavens? Understanding and Contending for a Genuine Spiritual Awakening.” More here.  Although I consider myself a conservative, I often wonder how so many conservatives can quote...

Shane Idleman

Shane Idleman is the founder and lead pastor of Westside Christian Fellowship in Leona Valley, Ca. His sermons, books, articles, and radio program have sparked change in the lives of many.

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