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Open Churches NOW: 3 Undeniable Points Why Churches Can Open

Open Churches NOW: 3 Undeniable Points Why Churches Can Open

Free speech is being severely compromised. This new FREE SPEECH platform is amazing - many solid voices are moving over. You can follow Pastor Shane here on Parler As of now, we're still on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,...

It’s Time to Turn Back to God

It’s Time to Turn Back to God

Free speech is being severely compromised. This new FREE SPEECH platform is amazing - many solid voices are moving over. You can follow Pastor Shane here on Parler As of now, we're still on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,...

In Case of National Emergency, Read This

In Case of National Emergency, Read This

Special Note: My book, IF MY PEOPLE, is available as a free download at Smashwords here. It’s no surprise that we are witnessing the rapid deterioration of a nation right before our eyes. As a result, many are struggling with fear and anxiety and uncertainty, yet, God...

An Open Letter to Our Leaders—Churches Must Not Be Handcuffed

An Open Letter to Our Leaders—Churches Must Not Be Handcuffed

As I said in a recent sermon, Americans need to realize that although we are in the same storm, we are in different boats. We need a lot more grace, understanding, and wisdom rather than fueling fear and anxiety. Some are unemployed, while others are doing fine...

To Obey or Not to Obey—That Is the Question

To Obey or Not to Obey—That Is the Question

Please watch this short clip about protesting in conjunction with the article: click here. As thousands of protesters on foot and in vehicles converged recently on Michigan’s capital to rally against Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s stay-at-home orders in the state (as...

God’s Not Done: 3 Ways to Benefit from Trials

God’s Not Done: 3 Ways to Benefit from Trials

I’m very hopeful in God during this crisis, but I’m also very aware of what lies ahead. As I said in a recent article, “We are facing uncertain times. Within days, our entire way of life in America changed drastically. The pandemic has given most of us a new...

Beyond COVID-19: You Must Travail Before You Prevail

Beyond COVID-19: You Must Travail Before You Prevail

We are facing uncertain times. Within days, our entire way of life in America changed drastically. The pandemic has given most of us a new perspective about what is really important to us. God is giving us a chance to stop, take a breath, and focus on prayer. But we...

Overcoming Fear & Conquering Chaos: 10 Tips for Turbulent Times

Overcoming Fear & Conquering Chaos: 10 Tips for Turbulent Times

During difficult seasons we often ask, “Where is God?” The irony is that it often takes stormy seasons to turn us back toward safety. The COVID-19 virus is serious; it’s affecting all of us in profound ways. I believe God wants us to take this seriously and be...

Is Your Blessing Waiting on You?

Is Your Blessing Waiting on You?

“There is a sense in which God’s promises are unconditional, in that our disobedience will not thwart God’s intention to be gracious, but there is also a sense in which those promises will be released only through the obedience of God’s people” (Paul Carter). The...

Looking to the Primaries: A New Type of Leader Must Arise

Looking to the Primaries: A New Type of Leader Must Arise

At the time of this writing, it is said that we live in the greatest country in the world, but the success we cherish is not the result of chance. Many early Americans, including most of the Founders, understood that in order for a nation to thrive and prosper, God’s...

The Diet That Works – Fasting For The Health Of It

The Diet That Works – Fasting For The Health Of It

With more than 12 million US children being obese, and millions more being malnourished, the need to address this topic has never been greater. Caffeine, soft drinks, and junk food are fueling the disease epidemic. Yet we pray for God to heal rather than ask for His...

What If America Continues to Ignore the Warning Signs?

What If America Continues to Ignore the Warning Signs?

In a recent post, Mario Murillo rightly noted that after the United States Army liberated the German concentration camps, General Eisenhower viewed the incomprehensible horror. His reaction was to make every soldier in the area come and see it for themselves. When he...

Preach The Whole Truth, Except If It Offends

Preach The Whole Truth, Except If It Offends

Update: After reading Tom Gilson's response to my article, and re-reading his, I realize I misrepresented his position. Tom aims to provide practical, effective ways the church and church leaders can be bold in fighting and winning the good fight. We both agree on the...

Is The Brewing Hatred Against Patriotism Warranted? No, Here’s Why

Is The Brewing Hatred Against Patriotism Warranted? No, Here’s Why

Unlike today, many early political leaders were not ashamed to admit the true source of America’s strength—they were biblically correct, rather than politically correct. They were statesmen, not politicians. A politician thinks of the next election; a statesman thinks...

Travail Before You Prevail—7 Ways to Prevail in Prayer

Travail Before You Prevail—7 Ways to Prevail in Prayer

The desperate email read, “My prayers are not being answered. I am so discouraged. Can you help?” Although we don’t fully understand God’s sovereignty and its relationship to prayer, we can gain much wisdom and many truths from Scripture. Here are 7 ways to prevail in...

The Holy Spirit—Can’t We All Just Get Along?

The Holy Spirit—Can’t We All Just Get Along?

The need to address revival and the vital role of the Holy Spirit is as relevant today as it has been throughout church history. As America falls deeper into depravity and further from God, the need to be awakened from our spiritual slumber has never been greater. Our...

Bowing to the LGBTQ Agenda: “Tolerance” Only Validates Sin

Bowing to the LGBTQ Agenda: “Tolerance” Only Validates Sin

A 74-year-old school administrator was recently suspended for questioning Pride Month at her school and the addition of LGBT books to the school library. Additionally, a Christian teacher was fired for refusing to use a transgender student’s preferred masculine...

Should Pastors Sell & Promote Their Books?

Should Pastors Sell & Promote Their Books?

"Pastors who sell their books are only in it for the money," said one disgruntled blogger. He added, "Why do they always have to mention their 'new' book?" Whether it's a marketing agency that pushes a book to the top, or blogs rebuking slick marketing campaigns...

California, Have Our Consciences Been Seared?

California, Have Our Consciences Been Seared?

*In September 2019 we approached the LA Times about placing this op-ed as a paid advertisement. They stated, "We will not be able to accept the content.* The Facts Most might agree that California is slipping into an ocean of political correctness . . . from forced...

From Prodigal to Pastor – God’s Not Done With You Yet

From Prodigal to Pastor – God’s Not Done With You Yet

How Steroids, Alcohol, and Partying almost took his life, but God... As a Southern California corporate executive for the fastest growing fitness company in the world in the mid-1990s, I had the opportunity to experience the devastating effects of life in the fast...

Depression and Mental Illness: 5 Things You Need to Know

Depression and Mental Illness: 5 Things You Need to Know

Many know all too well the debilitating effects of mental illness. We do a great disservice when we tell those struggling to “just get over it and think positive thoughts” or “read your Bible more.” Although positive thinking (the right kind) is biblical, and it’s...

Is The Day of the Silent Pastor Over?

Is The Day of the Silent Pastor Over?

Mass shootings, redefining marriage, killing innocent children, LGBT agendas infiltrating all aspects of life. What in the world is going on? I believe that the pulpit is partly to blame. There is a very troubling trend in the evangelical church as a whole. We are in...

Is America Racist & Ungodly – Can We Have American Pride?

Is America Racist & Ungodly – Can We Have American Pride?

Newsweek magazine, on December 27, 1982, in an article entitled, How the Bible Made America, made this revealing statement, “historians are discovering that the Bible, perhaps even more than the Constitution, is our Founding document.” To understand the core values of...

Mountain Tops and Valleys: My 22-Day Fasting Experience

Mountain Tops and Valleys: My 22-Day Fasting Experience

My hope is that my experience can motivate readers to personalize their own fast. Interwoven throughout this section is additional information about fasting and how it affects the body. Although I don’t believe we should concentrate on weight, I did include my weight...

[FOX] CA bill looks to force pastors to embrace pro-LGBTQ ideology

[FOX] CA bill looks to force pastors to embrace pro-LGBTQ ideology

About three dozen California lawmakers are pushing for Resolution ACR 99, which calls on counselors, pastors, religious workers, educators and institutions to stop labeling homosexuality and transgenderism a sin, saying it's harmful and unethical. Those opposed say...

WARNING: This Sermon May be Illegal in California Soon

WARNING: This Sermon May be Illegal in California Soon

As pastors in California are wondering what the next step is, God's Word is crystal clear - preach the full counsel of God. Pastors…make no mistake about it: we play an enormous role in shaping the direction of the country. We can no longer remain silent while sin...

What Does the Bible Say about Food?

What Does the Bible Say about Food?

There are many views regarding what diet is ideal. Vegans, vegetarians, proponents of plant-based diets, and meat promoters all argue that their diet is best. Throw the raw diet crowd into the mix, and the confusion only increases. Many of these diets overlap but with...

LGBT Pride Endued with LGBT Power

LGBT Pride Endued with LGBT Power

I so appreciate the heart of those on both sides of this debate. My hope is that readers will read the entire article before drawing conclusions. Those who strongly believe in the Bible and God's will regarding sexual behavior also strongly believe in unconditional...

The Peril of Megachurches—Political Correctness

The Peril of Megachurches—Political Correctness

By the title you might assume I’m against megachurches, I’m not. God often blesses a work, and a church grows, but there is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Some megachurches are doctrinally sound, filled with excitement and expectations, while others have a mere...

When Should We Answer Our Critics?

When Should We Answer Our Critics?

When I released this embedded op-ed and posted a picture with Francis Chan on my Facebook page, I was branded by some as heretical, ecumenical, and part of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), none of which are true. While I understand that preachers and pastors...

Game of Thrones—what should a Christian’s stance be?

Game of Thrones—what should a Christian’s stance be?

Amazingly, one youth leader said this years ago, “I don’t worry about what I watch or listen to as long as my heart is right. Plus, I need to watch what everyone else is watching so I can relate to them.” This is a very dangerous view. Most will admit, however, that...

Shane Idleman

Shane Idleman is the founder and lead pastor of Westside Christian Fellowship in Leona Valley, Ca. His sermons, books, articles, and radio program have sparked change in the lives of many.

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