Read Shane’s Message


Pastoring : Most difficult thing isn’t what you think

Pastoring : Most difficult thing isn’t what you think

“I would like to buy three dollars worth of God, please. Not enough to explode my soul or disturb my sleep, but just enough to equal a cup of warm milk, or a snooze in the sunshine … I want ecstasy, not transformation. I want the warmth of the womb, not a new birth. I...

An Open Letter to California’s Current & Future Governor

An Open Letter to California’s Current & Future Governor

With President Trump recently surveying the damage in the Palisades and Pasadena, Californians will elect their next governor in 2026, and the stakes have never been higher. The need to address critical issues confronting this great state is urgent. Being born and...

Bishop at National Prayer Service: Revealing but Not Surprising

Bishop at National Prayer Service: Revealing but Not Surprising

At the National Cathedral on Tuesday, the Episcopal bishop of Washington directly confronted President Donald Trump, using the traditional prayer service for the incoming chief executive as an opportunity to spread misinformation — as if we don’t already have enough...

Scandals in the Church and the Spirit of Accusation

Scandals in the Church and the Spirit of Accusation

Over the years, we’ve seen many failures and fallings in the evangelical church. And it begs the question: WHAT IS GOING ON? In my article, Why Do Leaders Fall? I wrote: “They fall for the same reason that all Christians fall. Each of us is drawn away by our own evil...

A Letter to the Left — We Are Not the Enemy

A Letter to the Left — We Are Not the Enemy

The Trump victory was a severe blow to many who claim that “Trump is a threat to democracy and freedom!” For example, Elizabeth Warren posted: “To everyone afraid of what happens next, I share your fears.” Yahoo News even reported that Canadian police are bracing for...

Oh, That You Would Rip America Open

Oh, That You Would Rip America Open

Isaiah 64:1 (NKJV) “Oh, that You would rend the heavens! That You would come down! That the mountains might shake at Your presence…” “America has fallen,” cries some. And although we are in a very difficult crisis, I still believe in the God who revives dead things....

The Deception of Pride in Politics

The Deception of Pride in Politics

In my last article about our political divide, I wrote, “Political views bring out the best and the worst in us. I know I’m a work in progress myself. Christians must repent of their pride and anger, and the church must unite in submission to God before our country...

POLITICS: The Main Reason “Christians” are Divided

POLITICS: The Main Reason “Christians” are Divided

It's no secret that many “Christians” are divided about politics: One argues, “How can Christians vote for Trump?” Another shoots back, “You can’t be a Christian and vote Democrat!” And yet another grumbles, “How can you vote for either one?” To truly understand the...

Harris v. Trump: Is 2024 The Great Reset Of The Church?

Harris v. Trump: Is 2024 The Great Reset Of The Church?

I’m re-releasing this revision for 2024  There has been a lot of talk lately about the Great Reset (e.g., resetting the economic and geopolitical aspects of the world with one group overseeing it). Those concerned about freedom, religious expression, morality, and a...

Discipline: The Key to Finishing Strong

Discipline: The Key to Finishing Strong

Excerpted from my sermon on discipline. Few things are more critical and more overlooked in the life of a believer than discipline. It truly is the key to finishing strong. Proverbs 25:28 says, “Whoever has no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down,...

In Dire Times, Faith Must Fight

In Dire Times, Faith Must Fight

Excerpted from my sermon, Faith Must Fight: 8 Takeaways from Joshua to Ruth. Years ago, I was very frustrated at the spiritual condition of the church and our nation. I prayed, “Lord, many of us have faith that things can change, but nothing seems to be working!” ...

LGBTQIA+ — Why We Can Love But NOT Celebrate

LGBTQIA+ — Why We Can Love But NOT Celebrate

Reflecting on why some celebrate Pride Month, and my appearance on Fox News in debating a pastor who supports homosexuality, I decided to re-release these points: 1. Tolerance is simply putting up with differences, but love embraces regardless of differences. In the...

Before Celebrating PRIDE Month, Please Read This

Before Celebrating PRIDE Month, Please Read This

The celebration of Pride Month in our culture has become an opportunity to attack Christianity and say that it is a religion of hate. To say that authentic Christians hate or fear homosexuals or the trans community demonstrates a gross misunderstanding of...

Trump Guilty — What Could God Be Teaching the Church?

Trump Guilty — What Could God Be Teaching the Church?

We don’t always understand why some things happen, but we know God is sovereign. Putting the blatant inconsistencies of the Left aside, such as if Trump was a Democrat, none of this would be happening, to ignoring the Epstein list and the Biden family criminal...

Self-Defense — What Does the Bible Say?

Self-Defense — What Does the Bible Say?

With recent shootings in public and in churches, the question of self-defense has been coming up lately. But first, let's be clear: What we are seeing today is not a gun problem; it’s a moral problem called sin. Vengeance is Not Self-Defense One Scripture often used...

The Church Needs Conviction, not Candy

The Church Needs Conviction, not Candy

Let me state up front that I’m quite aware of my own shortcomings as a pastor. We all struggle with something, but do we humble ourselves, repent, and return to the “power of the Spirit,” or do we continue to quench and grieve the Spirit? The difference is...

Is the Holy Spirit Kicked Out of California?

Is the Holy Spirit Kicked Out of California?

Special Note: Listen to more on the topic on my podcast Idleman Unplugged A conference is coming to my area of California in October 2024 to discuss how and why the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit have ceased. Read 1 Corinthians chapters 12-14 and the book of...

WWTD: What Would Taylor Do? “Swifties & Faith”

WWTD: What Would Taylor Do? “Swifties & Faith”

Let me start by saying I like Taylor Swift because I like people. Most are aware of her astonishing fame: She is one of the most prominent music celebrities of the 21st century and has millions of devoted followers known as “Swifties.” Additionally, Taylor Swift says...

God Isn’t Done with America, Especially California — Here’s Why

God Isn’t Done with America, Especially California — Here’s Why

It’s often said, “As California goes, so goes the nation.” This saying usually pertains to bad legislation and horrible trends. But can it also apply to good things? From Billy Graham’s crusades, the Jesus Movement, and Hollywood being started by a church, good soil...

Friendly Fire: Canceling the Cancel Culture in the Church

Friendly Fire: Canceling the Cancel Culture in the Church

The cancel culture is a recent movement set on destroying a person's character and their calling in life. It involves the mass withdrawal of support through public disapproval or shaming to exert social pressure and remove (“cancel”) an individual’s influence and...

Are We A Nation Out of Time?

Are We A Nation Out of Time?

This article was taken from the sermon, “God Breaks You to Make You”, watch it here for more on this very important topic. Whether it’s children twerking on TikTok as adults applaud (it’s not cool; it’s sick and perverted), drag queens reading at libraries, pedophiles...

Timing: What Should Trump Do NOW?

Timing: What Should Trump Do NOW?

Because of the significance of the hour, I’m re-releasing this article with editorial changes. Whether it’s key evangelical leaders turning to Trump or chastising him, or the media's outright hatred for him, or the other extreme thinking that Trump is their savior,...

Can a Christian Support Donald Trump?

Can a Christian Support Donald Trump?

With Trump maintaining a commanding lead, many are asking, “How can you follow Jesus and Donald Trump?” Let’s be crystal clear here: We are not following a man; we are shaping a movement. A better biblical question is, What direction is the country heading? ...

Brace for Impact: Are You Ready for WAR in ‘24’?

Brace for Impact: Are You Ready for WAR in ‘24’?

Watch the sermon here where this article originated. In 2024, It’s clear that a massive battle will take place in America. But this battle, unlike most battles, will primarily take place in our homes and in our hearts.  In American politics, the Right talks of civil...

We Need Fiery Preaching Again to Consume America

We Need Fiery Preaching Again to Consume America

“And if anyone wants to harm them, fire proceeds from their mouth and devours their enemies” (Rev. 11:5). As I was teaching in Revelation, the verse above reminded me of what we desperately need today—fire! Words of Fire Devour, Purify, and Heal Commentaries are...

From Death to Life — Fitness & Faith

From Death to Life — Fitness & Faith

Written by SJ McShane Beating Addiction Is One Reason This Professional Is Thankful This Thanksgiving Shane Idleman’s journey has gone from obesity and addiction to hope and fitness Despite Shane Idleman’s impressive history in fitness, helping over thirty thousand...

The Breaking of America: What Hurts the Most

The Breaking of America: What Hurts the Most

The state of our nation today reminds me of The Twilight Zone reruns that I watched as a young boy. They were always very eerie and unsettling. This is Fact Not Fiction For those unfamiliar with The Twilight Zone, it was a science fiction horror series that ended in...

Overcoming Fear: 10 Tips for Troubling Times

Overcoming Fear: 10 Tips for Troubling Times

During difficult seasons we often ask, “Where is God?” The irony is that it often takes stormy seasons to turn us back toward safety. The developments in Israel affect all of us in profound ways. It’s not that you or I will never fear but it’s what we do with the fear...

A Call to Christian Leaders: “We are Not Celebrities”

A Call to Christian Leaders: “We are Not Celebrities”

Without question, one of the hardest jobs is being a Christian leader, especially a pastor. Close friends leave you, others betray you, social media slams you, the world hates you, and demonic forces rally against you and your marriage. This is why thousands exit the...

Whatever Happens Next: DO NOT COMPLY

Whatever Happens Next: DO NOT COMPLY

Watch the critical sermon on 9/3/23 by the same title by subscribing here. The title above may not be the best choice, but my goal is to prepare us for what may lie ahead. To be clear: Christians, in many cases, are to comply, but when compliance becomes capitulation...

5 Crucial Lessons Learned From Planting A Church

5 Crucial Lessons Learned From Planting A Church

Westside Christian Fellowship in Southern California arose out of a desperate need to encourage Christians to seek God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. The overwhelming response simply reflects the need that we all have for the truths found in God’s...

Tears — The Battle Cry of a Dying Nation

Tears — The Battle Cry of a Dying Nation

Note: Fast-forward to 53-minutes here and watch the sermon that inspired this article.) “But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their...

Sin Never Stands Still—It Either Grows or Withers

Sin Never Stands Still—It Either Grows or Withers

Dan Delzell, in a riveting blog from a decade ago titled, Google Executive's Tragic Death Sends Somber Warning, wrote the following: “How do you go from being a devoted father of five and a successful Silicon Valley executive, into a 51-year-old man convulsing from a...

Fathers – Families Would Rather “See” A Sermon

Fathers – Families Would Rather “See” A Sermon

Our ministry often receives email correspondence from desperate wives and mothers. They often read something like this, “I’m at a loss. My ‘Christian’ husband is verbally and physically abusive. Ironically, he thinks that I’m the problem; he sees no need to...

They Will Fight for Your Children — Will You?

They Will Fight for Your Children — Will You?

I recently attended a small gathering of Christian leaders in Dallas, Texas. One of those attending, Steve Deace (creator of the film, Nefarious), said something regarding the ongoing moral battle that really stood out: “Who wants victory more?” No Fight — No Victory...

MrBeast Goes Beast Mode on Transphobes

MrBeast Goes Beast Mode on Transphobes

MrBeast is a famous YouTuber whose videos focus primarily on expensive stunts and money give-aways. His channel has over 146 million subscribers, most of them teenagers. Because of this, he has a huge platform to influence the younger generations. MrBeast recently...

The Asbury Revival: When You Lay Hold of God Never Let Go!

The Asbury Revival: When You Lay Hold of God Never Let Go!

For my commentary on the revivals breaking out (Asbury for example), and what genuine revival looks like, see the links at the end. Many years ago, a very old man who experienced a revival when he was younger, was asked why the revival ended. His eyes were filled with...

Why Are Mass Shootings Increasing?

Why Are Mass Shootings Increasing?

As our prayers go out to the families of mass shootings, it begs the question: What in the world is going on? As a pastor, it's clear that our nation has rejected God and we are reaping the whirlwind. Just as water rapidly eroded the banks of the mighty Colorado River...

The #1 Problem with the Conservative Movement in America

The #1 Problem with the Conservative Movement in America

Note: To hear the sermon where the article originated, click here. As I’ve said before, whether it’s news headlines filled with gore and gruesome violence or chaos and confusion echoing across our land, we must realize that there is no Plan B. Our only hope is a...

God Answers by Fire: The Day Fire Fell

God Answers by Fire: The Day Fire Fell

Note: to hear the sermon where this article originated, click here: Whether it’s news headlines filled with gore and gruesome violence, or chaos and confusion echoing across our land, we must realize that there is no Plan B — our only hope is a mighty move of God’s...

Fasting For Spiritual Breakthrough in 2023

Fasting For Spiritual Breakthrough in 2023

Special note: for those who need help in this area, we recently released a documentary on my 40-day fast that can be viewed here. You choose: Will it be the pain of discipline or the pain of regret? One yields a sense of extreme fulfillment; the other, a lingering...

Deeper Than We Thought: The Stench Has Reached Heaven

Deeper Than We Thought: The Stench Has Reached Heaven

Whether it’s Balenciaga sexualizing children and degrading every piece of moral fabric left in our society, or men dressed as women encouraging kids to place money in their G-string, our sickness is worse than Sodom and parallels the days of Noah. Pushing Porn Goes...

An Open Letter to Trump: You Can Help Heal Our Nation

An Open Letter to Trump: You Can Help Heal Our Nation

Special note. If you prefer to watch instead of read click here. This is my honest and straightforward commentary. Please make sure to read the entire article before commenting and follow me on my brand new Rumble channel. Whether it’s key evangelical leaders turning...

5 Things that Hinder the Presence of Christ

5 Things that Hinder the Presence of Christ

Watch the sermon here where this article originated. Most believers understand that God is everywhere, but the Bible is also clear that the power and presence of Christ can fill the heart of the believer who completely surrenders to Him. His presence changes...

Shane Idleman

Shane Idleman is the founder and lead pastor of Westside Christian Fellowship in Leona Valley, Ca. His sermons, books, articles, and radio program have sparked change in the lives of many.

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