Diverting Disaster: A Letter to President Trump from a California Pastor

When I heard about the attempt on your life, my heart sank. I was in Southern California, less than half a mile away from where I had been, when I heard the news that Ronald Regan was shot forty-three years ago. I will never forget either one of those days. Pastoring...

Discipline: The Key to Finishing Strong

Excerpted from my sermon on discipline. Few things are more critical and more overlooked in the life of a believer than discipline. It truly is the key to finishing strong. Proverbs 25:28 says, “Whoever has no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down,...

In Dire Times, Faith Must Fight

Excerpted from my sermon, Faith Must Fight: 8 Takeaways from Joshua to Ruth. Years ago, I was very frustrated at the spiritual condition of the church and our nation. I prayed, “Lord, many of us have faith that things can change, but nothing seems to be working!” ...

LGBTQIA+ — Why We Can Love But NOT Celebrate

Reflecting on why some celebrate Pride Month, and my appearance on Fox News in debating a pastor who supports homosexuality, I decided to re-release these points: 1. Tolerance is simply putting up with differences, but love embraces regardless of differences. In the...

As Churches Consider Ordaining Female Pastors, We Should Consider These Things

For the last two days, the Southern Baptist Convention has been holding its annual meeting conference to vote on some important issues — and one of the most hot-button items on the agenda is whether to permit women to become pastors. From the SBC to Mainline...

Before Celebrating PRIDE Month, Please Read This

The celebration of Pride Month in our culture has become an opportunity to attack Christianity and say that it is a religion of hate. To say that authentic Christians hate or fear homosexuals or the trans community demonstrates a gross misunderstanding of...

Trump Guilty — What Could God Be Teaching the Church?

We don’t always understand why some things happen, but we know God is sovereign. Putting the blatant inconsistencies of the Left aside, such as if Trump was a Democrat, none of this would be happening, to ignoring the Epstein list and the Biden family criminal...

Self-Defense — What Does the Bible Say?

With recent shootings in public and in churches, the question of self-defense has been coming up lately. But first, let's be clear: What we are seeing today is not a gun problem; it’s a moral problem called sin. Vengeance is Not Self-Defense One Scripture often used...

The Church Needs Conviction, not Candy

Let me state up front that I’m quite aware of my own shortcomings as a pastor. We all struggle with something, but do we humble ourselves, repent, and return to the “power of the Spirit,” or do we continue to quench and grieve the Spirit? The difference is...

The BIG Lesson Learned from the Aftermath of the Missouri Men’s Conference

Watch "Stripper-gate Men’s Conference & Mark Driscoll — What’s Going On?" on YouTube. Hear my thoughts in under four minutes, click here. Let me begin by saying that I know that it’s extremely hard to be a pastor in these times. Toss in the armchair quarterbacks...

Idleman Uplugged

 In this podcast, listen to Pastor Shane as he goes through ministry and serving the church in a personable way. Listen and subscribe to his podcast on all major podcast networks. 


Pastors Unplugged

Because leading can be difficult, challenging, and exhausting, Pastors Unplugged is specifically designed to encourage those in leadership. Listen and subscribe below.


Discipline: The Key to Finishing Strong

Discipline: The Key to Finishing Strong

Excerpted from my sermon on discipline. Few things are more critical and more overlooked in the life of a believer than discipline. It truly is the key to finishing strong. Proverbs 25:28 says, “Whoever has no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down,...

In Dire Times, Faith Must Fight

In Dire Times, Faith Must Fight

Excerpted from my sermon, Faith Must Fight: 8 Takeaways from Joshua to Ruth. Years ago, I was very frustrated at the spiritual condition of the church and our nation. I prayed, “Lord, many of us have faith that things can change, but nothing seems to be working!” ...

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Discipline: The Key to Finishing Strong

Discipline: The Key to Finishing Strong

Excerpted from my sermon on discipline. Few things are more critical and more overlooked in the life of a believer than discipline. It truly is the key to finishing strong. Proverbs 25:28 says, “Whoever has no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down,...

Shane Idleman

Shane Idleman is the founder and lead pastor of Westside Christian Fellowship in Leona Valley, Ca. His sermons, books, articles, and radio program have sparked change in the lives of many.

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