by Westside Christian Fellowship | Aug 27, 2023 | Articles, Featured
Watch the critical sermon on 9/3/23 by the same title by subscribing here. The title above may not be the best choice, but my goal is to prepare us for what may lie ahead. To be clear: Christians, in many cases, are to comply, but when compliance becomes capitulation...
by Westside Christian Fellowship | Aug 21, 2023 | Articles, Featured
Westside Christian Fellowship in Southern California arose out of a desperate need to encourage Christians to seek God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. The overwhelming response simply reflects the need that we all have for the truths found in God’s...
by Westside Christian Fellowship | Jul 20, 2023 | Articles, Featured
Note: Fast-forward to 53-minutes here and watch the sermon that inspired this article.) “But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their...
by Westside Christian Fellowship | Jun 21, 2023 | Articles, Featured
Dan Delzell, in a riveting blog from a decade ago titled, Google Executive’s Tragic Death Sends Somber Warning, wrote the following: “How do you go from being a devoted father of five and a successful Silicon Valley executive, into a 51-year-old man convulsing...
by Westside Christian Fellowship | Jun 14, 2023 | Articles, Featured
Our ministry often receives email correspondence from desperate wives and mothers. They often read something like this, “I’m at a loss. My ‘Christian’ husband is verbally and physically abusive. Ironically, he thinks that I’m the problem; he sees no need to...
by Westside Christian Fellowship | May 17, 2023 | Articles, Featured
I recently attended a small gathering of Christian leaders in Dallas, Texas. One of those attending, Steve Deace (creator of the film, Nefarious), said something regarding the ongoing moral battle that really stood out: “Who wants victory more?” No Fight — No Victory...