Read Shane’s Message


“Knowing” What To Do Is Not Enough

“Knowing” What To Do Is Not Enough

- Pastor Shane Idleman Part I in a series on Wisdom Last week I said that we gauge good judgment by considering the outcome of our choices. Jesus said that “wisdom is shown to be right by what results from it” (Matt. 11:19). Do your choices produce the results you...

Do Your Choices Produce The Results You Want?

Do Your Choices Produce The Results You Want?

- Pastor Shane Idleman As stated last week: We are in desperate need of broken, humble men—men who are not afraid to admit that they need God; men who are more worried about prayer than about status and recognition; men who petition God rather than position...

Dads…Wake Up. Life’s A Battleground!

Dads…Wake Up. Life’s A Battleground!

- Pastor Shane Idleman It was last year, but I remember it well. I was taken by a comment that I read in the AV Press. The comment was, “Men don’t need to come to church and get beat up with sermons on fathers day.” Its hard to determine the motive behind such a...

Deal With Pride FIRST Before Judging

Deal With Pride FIRST Before Judging

- Pastor Shane Idleman Part III in a series on judging rightly Last week I ended with this statement: We must avoid being a “divisive man” who is proud, un-teachable, and eager to dispute. Some have asked for clarification on this point. Alexander Strauch’s book, If...

Are There Times When We Should Judge? Yes.

Are There Times When We Should Judge? Yes.

- Pastor Shane Idleman   In Matthew 7:1 Jesus said, “Judge not, that you be not judged.” Judging, within this context, refers to the type of judgment that a judge would render in a court of law, such as in Romans 14:4, “Who are you to judge another’s servant?” A...

Overcoming Sin… The Battlefield Is The Mind

Overcoming Sin… The Battlefield Is The Mind

- Pastor Shane Idleman The enemy rarely pushes us off the cliff, so to speak. We’re often led down one step at a time, one compromise at a time, one wrong choice at a time. For example, the enemy doesn’t show a young couple the pain and anguish and the years of regret...

The Legalist vs. The Compromiser – Pastor Shane Idleman

The Legalist vs. The Compromiser – Pastor Shane Idleman

Pastor's Perspective The legalist vs. the compromiser; neither is right The pendulum often swings when following truth (biblical principles). At one extreme is legalism. Legalists have self-righteous attitudes that rate spirituality by how well a person follows rules....

We Don’t Negotiate Truth; We Proclaim It!

We Don’t Negotiate Truth; We Proclaim It!

Part II in a series on speaking the truth in love As noted last week, there are three primary purpose for speaking the truth in love: 1) To mature believers (Ephesians 4:15). When truth is spoken, two choices are available--to become bitter, or better; to mature, or...

When To Speak The Truth In Love

When To Speak The Truth In Love

A few years ago, a news report featured a famous athlete who was considering running for political office. When the news correspondent asked about abortion and gay-marriage, the potential candidate became visibly upset. He criticized Christians, and ended the...

What Does The Resurrection Mean To You?

What Does The Resurrection Mean To You?

The resurrection of Christ was the single most powerful event in history. It distinguishes Christianity from all other religions. It had such implications for mankind that recorded history marked events before the birth of Christ (B.C.), and after His death (A.D.). On...

It Doesn’t Matter What You Believe. Does It?

It Doesn’t Matter What You Believe. Does It?

Someone recently said, “It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you are sincere.” But you can be sincerely wrong. The gospel of John says that the Bible was “written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have...

Restoration…Don’t Be A “Velcro Man” (Or Woman)

Restoration…Don’t Be A “Velcro Man” (Or Woman)

This is the final article in a series on divorce and remarriage. A few years ago, I was asked to speak to a group of singles in Southern California. Ironically, the topic was, Broken—yet Unbreakable: rebuilding after brokenness. In prayerful preparation for this...

Divorce: Seven Ways To Rebuild After Brokenness

Divorce: Seven Ways To Rebuild After Brokenness

Part six in a series on divorce and remarriage. A few years ago, I was asked to speak to a group of singles in Southern California. Ironically, the topic was, Broken—yet Unbreakable: rebuilding after brokenness. In prayerful preparation for this message, I isolated...

You Don’t Want Revival. Do You?

You Don’t Want Revival. Do You?

I’m taking a temporary detour this week from the series on divorce. I begin by quoting a powerful book written by Duncan Campbell who was born in 1898. The title is, The Price and Power of Revival. Mr. Campbell makes this powerful declaration: “How is it that while we...

Divorce: You Can’t Control The Choices Of Others

Divorce: You Can’t Control The Choices Of Others

Part five in a series on divorce and remarriage. As I said last week: Perhaps one of the most difficult Scriptures dealing with divorce or separation is found in 1 Corinthians 7:10-11, “Now to the married I command, yet not I but the Lord: A wife is not to depart from...

Divorce: Obedience To The Scriptures Brings Healing

Divorce: Obedience To The Scriptures Brings Healing

Part four in a series on divorce and remarriage. As I said last week: Every situation is different and some divorces are inevitable, but for the large percentage of those who can rebuild and restore their relationship, two choices are available—to face the pain of...

Divorce: When To Hold On, When To Move On

Divorce: When To Hold On, When To Move On

Part III in a series on divorce and remarriage. As I said last week: Life after divorce can be just “existence”—peace and joy have all but left. If this describes you, let me assure you that God desires that peace and joy be restored, but we must realize that only God...

Hope In The Midst Of Divorce – Broken, Yet unbreakable

Hope In The Midst Of Divorce – Broken, Yet unbreakable

Part II in a series on divorce and remarriage. With millions of Americans now classified as divorced and “newly single, the need to address this topic in a series of articles is unavoidable and necessary. In 1998 there were estimated to be over 19-million divorced...

Does Baptism Save? No. . . Here’s Why

Does Baptism Save? No. . . Here’s Why

Some believe that salvation occurs, not when we confess Jesus as Lord, but when immersed in water. They believe that the dead condition of the church is because of failure to embrace baptismal regeneration. In reality, it's because so few actually turn to Jesus;...

There Is Hope For The Hurting This Valentines Day

There Is Hope For The Hurting This Valentines Day

Part I in a series on divorce and remarriage. In the book Sacred Thirst, the author writes, “The bride and groom are standing in front of everyone, looking better than they are ever going to look again, getting so much attention and affirmation. Everybody even stands...

The Emergent Church–Moving From Absolute To Authentic

The Emergent Church–Moving From Absolute To Authentic

Over the past few weeks, Shane has been revisiting articles that drew the most feedback in 2010. Here is the final one... When terms “emergent” or “postmodern” are used, I’m referring to what is known collectively as The Emergent Church Movement. This movement is very...

Can We Pray In Jesus’ Name? Yes!

Can We Pray In Jesus’ Name? Yes!

Over the next few weeks, Shane is revisiting articles that drew the most feedback in 2010. Here is number five... This article has special significance for me. I was able to pray in Jesus' name last Tuesday, Jan. 25th, at the City Council meeting in Lancaster. This is...

Without Unction, Preaching Has Little Effect On The Hearer

Without Unction, Preaching Has Little Effect On The Hearer

Over the next few weeks, Shane is revisiting articles that drew the most feedback in 2010. Here is number four... Many today argue that we can’t preach with authority because we need to have a flexible approach to all aspects of theology. By “flexible” they mean...

Where Are The Bold, Authoritative Preachers Today?

Where Are The Bold, Authoritative Preachers Today?

Over the next few weeks, we are revisiting articles that drew the most feedback in 2010. Here is number three... A friend recently asked, “Where are those with uncompromising power and God-given authority in our pulpits today?” His statement reminded me of the...

Points to Consider Before Leaving Your Church – Part 2

Points to Consider Before Leaving Your Church – Part 2

Over the next few weeks, I will revisit articles that drew the most feedback in 2010. Here is number two... In America today, a significant number of people are switching churches, or leaving altogether. I’ve found that judging “rightly,” as well as unwarranted...

Points to Consider Before Leaving Your Church – Part 1

Points to Consider Before Leaving Your Church – Part 1

Over the next few weeks, I will re-visit articles that drew the most feedback in 2010. Here is one... In America today, a significant number of people are switching churches or leaving altogether. I’ve found that judging “rightly,” as well as unwarranted criticism,...

This Christmas, Embrace the True Gospel

This Christmas, Embrace the True Gospel

As mentioned last week: If we truly want to experience the power of God, we must surrender pivotal areas of our lives. The final area of surrender is found in Matthew 16:24, “Then said Jesus unto his disciples, if any [man] will come after me, let him deny himself,...

Money, Pride & Destructive Relationships Hinder Holiness

Money, Pride & Destructive Relationships Hinder Holiness

As mentioned last week: If we truly want to experience the power of God, we must surrender pivotal areas of our lives. The first area was our “time.” I John 2:15 says, “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father...

Guard Your Mind and It Will Guard You

Guard Your Mind and It Will Guard You

As mentioned last week: Many of us do not want to admit that there is something lacking in our spiritual lives. Pride, religious upbringing, denominationalism, etc. will keep scores of Christians from experiencing the life-changing power of God. If we truly want to...

The Holy Spirit Seeks Surrendered Lives

The Holy Spirit Seeks Surrendered Lives

This is part IV in a series on the Holy Spirit As mentioned last week: Many of us do not want to admit that there is something lacking in our spiritual lives. Pride, religious upbringing, denominationalism, etc. will keep scores of Christians from experiencing the...

The Holy Spirit… Not Just for Charismatics

The Holy Spirit… Not Just for Charismatics

This is part III in a series on the Holy Spirit Last week, I asked how many can say like Jeremiah, "His word was in my heart like a burning fire, shut up in my bones; I was weary of holding it back, and I could not" (20:9)? If we are honest, we realize that the power...



This is part II in a series on the Holy Spirit Last week I asked, "Why is the doctrine of the Holy Spirit so divisive when the Bible is crystal clear on the need for the Spirit's power?" There is a critical need for "balance". Many churches tend to embrace one...

The Forgotten God – Who is the Holy Spirit?

The Forgotten God – Who is the Holy Spirit?

This is part I in a series on the Holy Spirit It may be hard to believe, but I actually knew a pastor who asked his worship leader to remove all songs mentioning the Holy Spirit. How sad…in his zeal to avoid charismatic excesses, he actually quenched the Spirit. Why...

Here’s why November 2nd is so Important. Vote! – Article 2

Here’s why November 2nd is so Important. Vote! – Article 2

One of the most controversial issues of our time is the question of mixing religion and politics. One group believes that the church should be used as a political platform, the other advocates' passivity. So, what’s the answer? First and foremost, we cannot deny our...

Here’s Why November 2nd is so Important. Vote!

Here’s Why November 2nd is so Important. Vote!

Mandatory Euthanasia Bill: What many call genocide, Congress calls necessary to curtail rising healthcare costs. In the hope of reclaiming financial stability, many legislators plan to sign a mandatory Euthanasia Bill. In defense of the Bill, some State...

We’ve Drifted From Being Confrontational To Popular

We’ve Drifted From Being Confrontational To Popular

Back to the topic of preaching: Many argue that we can’t preach with authority because we need to have a flexible approach to all aspects of theology. By “flexible” they mean accommodating all beliefs, but truth is not “flexible” when it comes to absolutes; it’s solid...

If You’re Too Busy To Pray, You’re Too Busy!

If You’re Too Busy To Pray, You’re Too Busy!

As I said last week, Where are men with uncompromising power and authority in the pulpits today? Granted, there are some, and I so appreciate their ministry, but as a whole, the church is lacking. The one thing that all of the great men mentioned last week had is the...

Should We Stop Preaching From The Pulpit?

Should We Stop Preaching From The Pulpit?

A few years back, I listened in astonishment as postmodern leaders talked about replacing “preaching” with “having a conversation.” At first, I thought that maybe they were confusing individual conversations with preaching, but I was wrong. They felt that we should...

Seven Things You Need To Know

Seven Things You Need To Know

This article is a by-product of a sermon that I recently delivered. These core values also provide the basis for the new church that I will be planting and pastoring beginning 9-25-2010 (Westside Christian Fellowship). Radio program responses have indicated that this...

Are We ‘Affecting’ The World, Or Is It ‘Infecting’ Us?

Are We ‘Affecting’ The World, Or Is It ‘Infecting’ Us?

Part V in a series on compromise in the church The Scriptures are crystal clear on the issue of entertainment; there’s really no debate. Philippians 4:8 says to fix our thoughts on what is true and honorable and right, and to think about things that are pure and...

Do We Need Compromise To Be Relevant?

Do We Need Compromise To Be Relevant?

Part I in a series on compromise in the church Compromise can be well illustrated thru a story that I heard years ago. Eskimos in the barren North often kill wolves by taking a razor sharp knife and dipping it in blood. They allow the blood to freeze to the blade;...

Entertainment- What Goes In Ultimately Comes Out

Entertainment- What Goes In Ultimately Comes Out

Part IV in a series on compromise in the church As I said last week: Holiness is not a strange, outdated word. Its being set apart, or separated from anything that causes us to sin, whether mentally (in what we think), or physically (in what we do). Holiness begins in...

Prop. 8… Seven Points Federal Judge Overlooked

Prop. 8… Seven Points Federal Judge Overlooked

To say that authentic Christians hate, or fear, those trapped in the homosexual lifestyle demonstrates a gross misunderstanding of the principles of the Christian faith. To “confront in love” simply comes from a desire to honor God, and to truly love and care for...

A Personal Note From Shane Idleman

A Personal Note From Shane Idleman

A PERSONAL NOTE FROM SHANE Throughout my 20s, I continued to run from God; searching for identity and truth in everything but His Word. By age 28, I had climbed the corporate ladder. Money and success became my gods and ultimately controlled my life. I was driven, but...

Entertainment—Where Do We Draw The Line?

Entertainment—Where Do We Draw The Line?

Someone once said, “I don’t worry about what I watch, or listen to, as long as my heart is right.” This is a very dangerous view. Most will admit, however, that this statement is really just an excuse to cross the line when it comes to entertainment. Let’s be honest:...

Abortion: I Cannot Remain Silent—Will You?

Abortion: I Cannot Remain Silent—Will You?

It’s apparent to me that America has been asleep at the wheel; we can no longer ignore our God-given civic responsibility and the massive impact that politics has on society. Make no mistake about it: America’s leaders play an enormous role in shaping the direction of...

Can I lose my salvation?

Can I lose my salvation?

I’ve heard both sides of the argument, and only God truly knows a person’s heart, but I can share a few thoughts. One thing is for certain: Salvation is a gift from God that cannot be earned. One school of thought suggests that salvation cannot be lost, as in losing...

A 4th of July Wake-up Call

A 4th of July Wake-up Call

Part V in a series on politics Within the last few decades, we have seen the destruction of the institution of marriage between a man and a woman, the removal of God’s Word in several areas, and the aborting of millions of babies. Ironically, many of the men and women...

Shane Idleman

Shane Idleman is the founder and lead pastor of Westside Christian Fellowship in Leona Valley, Ca. His sermons, books, articles, and radio program have sparked change in the lives of many.

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